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John Martin has set up Guardian Ad Litem Consulting in 2017 in order to provide a comprehensive service for children, young people, vulnerable adults and parents who are engaged in family disputes, family conflict, separation, divorce and the professionals associated with such matters. The key components of this service provision include Guardian Ad Litem, Section 47 Reports which are undertaken in a collaborative practice approach to enable the best possible outcomes for children and young people. His expertise encompasses additional skills in Freedom of Information Requests, HR Complaints, Court Ordered Supervision of Access, Critical Case Reviews, Inquiries, Agency Policy Audits and Expert Witness Reports for the High Court.

John C. Martin children first

In compliance with the Children First Act, 2015 it is a requirement currently for all Agencies, Schools, Sports Clubs and Services which provide services for children and vulnerable adults to have Child Safe Guarding Statements available for inspection by the HSE, Tusla, HIQA or the Dept of Education & Skills Inspectorate. To enable your Agency, Sports Club, School or Service with this important task John's expertise and experience can assist all of these to be compliant with their obligations under the Children First Act, 2015. (The Child Safeguarding Statement will replace the current Child Protection Policy which has been customary with all of these services prior to the enactment of the Children First Act, 2015 earlier in December 2017).

John is an experienced child care professional who has in excess of 30 years working in the Public Sector (South Eastern Health Board & the HSE C&F Services 1980 - 2012) and 15 of these years were in management roles. Since mid 2016 John has been developing his own service and is pleased now to be establishing this Consulting Business within Children & Families Services.

John has a Batchelor of Social Science from UCD (1980) and NQSW. In addition he also holds an M.Sc. in Health Services Management from Trinity College Dublin (2002). John has worked as a Child Care Manager encompassing management positions such Residential Child Care Services, Chairing Child Protection Notification Teams, and Management and Admissions Committees for Residential Child Care and High Support Placements. He was responsible for Budgets, Recruitment, Service Development and working with the media in print, radio and television throughout his management career.

John has undertaken Section 47 Reports for the District, Circuit and High Courts commencing with his first Section 47 in 1998. He is also a Guardian Ad Litem currently working with the District Court. He has experience of presenting evidence, written reports and subject to Cross-Examination to the District, Circuit and High Courts in Ireland.

guardian ad litem consulting testimonials
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Services Provision

SECTION 47 REPORTS: Work undertaken for Tusla, Child & Family Agency and Individual Legal Firms in preparation for Judicial Separation/Divorce Proceedings using a collaborative practice model of intervention.

GUARDIAN AD LITEM: Appointment by the Court in conflictual situations concerning children.

CRITICAL CASE REVIEWS: Engaging with the legal representatives of Agencies and Sports Organisations regarding critical cases requiring expertise within the Child Protection, HR and Policy Arena.

INVESTIGATIONS: Follow up to &/or in preparation for HIQA Inspections including analysing an agency duty following the HIQA / TUSLA / HSE Inspections.

EXPERTISE IN EARLY YEARS SERVICES: Preparing Preschool, Child Care Committees and Child Minder Services on policy responsibilities to be compliant with the Regulations, Policies and Procedures.

AGENCY POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Ensuring Agency’s have the correct policies for registration with the National Registration of TUSLA, HSE & or HIQA. Enabling the development and training of staff of these agencies to partake in the process and take responsibility for their Agency’s work.

CHILD PROTECTION: Ensuring Agencies have their Child Protection Policies ‘fit for purpose’ and in addition to Investigate the failings of such Agency’s policies when Inspections / Monitoring Reports identify failings in such services.

DISABILITY: Reviewing policies, HR implications and formulating Expert Opinion for Courts on behalf of Legal Firms and their Clients.

FOI APPLICATIONS: Undertaking FOI Applications for Clients who are engaged with their Legal Firms regarding historical trauma issues in Foster Care, Residential Child Care, Disability Services for Children /Adults and assessing the complexity of such FOI Materials for the benefit of Clients vis-à-vis their entitlement for redress.



We have worked with/ Supported the work of:

guardian ad litem for children children first Irish Foster Care Association department of health Oberstown Campus
foster care TUSLA children's residential centres empowering people in care Health Service Executive IASW